Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Frickin Freeway :[

While departing from the beach, we entered the forsaken highway (but it wasn't forsaken, there was a plethora of cars!) We encountered a red truck while merging. He clearly cut us off without the use of a blinker to notify myself or any other pedestrians of the vehicle land. Along the way, we came across plenty of other unruly childlike vehicles running a muck on the once-beautiful highway. The stress level was high and so was the temperature. You could bake cookies on the dashboard and fry eggs on the seat belts. There was one friendly car named Black PT Cruiser. She followed at a lovely distance the whole ride home. She was like a bodyguard in the vehicle land. We exited the freeway of evil with intentions of returning Fruit of the Loom to her birthing place.

Oh, we're not finished just yet...

Drive safe,
Seat Belt and Radio Knob

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